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Under 30 min.
Party Wedges - Debbie McFarland
I made these once for a New Year's party and Mom ate them until she was sick! Rebuttal Dorothy: They were soooo GOOD and I did NOT get sick!


Over 60 min
Parmesan Rolls - Jennifer Crites
These rolls are fast and easy to make and have been requested to be included in our cookbook.


Under 30 min.
Panama Shrimp - Debbie McFarland
Original recipe from me- tried to copy a recipe from a restaurant we went to in Florida while we were visiting Mom and Dad on their mission. Jennifer Crites: We do this with shredded chicken instead of shrimp. The chicken recipe comes from Deb and Paty. I've added it at the bottom of this recipe.


Under 30 min.
Oreos - Jolene Farmer
Dan Crites (a self proclaimed cookie connoisseur) loves these!


Over 60 min
Orange Zested Cookies - Tadd Farmer
This cookie was entered in the 2013 Family Reunion Cookie Contest.