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Under 15 min.
Creamed Chipped Beef - Dorothy Farmer
Jennifer Crites: This was a favorite breakfast for many of my siblings. (Remember all the beef jars we used afterwards for drinking glasses?) Janette and I requested it often for our birthdays. My own family now all really enjoy this, except Dan. I guess you have to grow up on it or it doesn't seem so appetizing!


Under 15 min.
Creamed Eggs - Dorothy Farmer
Janette Johnson: My version: Make a white sauce. Add cut up hard boiled eggs, leaving the shells on or off, either way it will still taste so awful. Eat with toast. I don’t know why Mom enjoyed this so much! Debbie McFarland: I loved these!


Over 60 min
Creamy Garlic Mashed Potatoes - Allison Farmer
For garlic lovers, not for the garlic light hearted!


Over 60 min
Creamy Tomato Basil Soup - Jennifer Crites
Another recipe from Dan's niece Stephanie Sundseth, who served this at her restaurant.


Under 15 min.
Crepes - Marilyn Farmer
Alyson Farmer: Marilyn found this recipe for the crepe booth that the family did for the 4th of July. I prefer it to the recipe that I brought home from my mission to France. I love that I can double and even triple the recipe. We have crepes every Thursday morning. The boys get them if they sing the hymns in church on Sunday. It seems to motivate them. All 5 boys like this recipe which makes it a winner! Jill Prince: After visiting Europe and tasting crepes, part of the John Farmer family decided to put a little booth together for the Centerville City's Fourth of July celebration. After haggling over names such as Holy Crepe, What the Crepe?, Full of Crepe, the family finally decided on the Crepe Shack (Marilyn wouldn't have it any other way). We learned a lot, enjoyed a few stressful moments, but all in all it turned out to be a success.


Over 60 min
Cupid's Wedding Cake - Dorothy Farmer
In going through my recipes for this project, I came across this recipe for Cupid's Wedding cake which I received as a bride at a wedding shower held for me in Deaver, Wyoming. The recipe has yellowed over the years, but still very readable and full of wisdom. It was given to me by Mrs. Hylas T. Finley, know as "Ida" on September 11, 1946


Under 30 min.
Curried Squash Soup - Debbie McFarland
Jennifer and I went to a restaurant for lunch that served this soup.