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Under 30 min.
Fatty Balls - Debbie McFarland
The most important step of this recipe is that after these balls are made and frozen, you sneak them out one at a time and secretly eat the whole batch before they get served.
Under 60 min
English Trifle - Debbie McFarland
This is Jim's brother, Roger McFarland's recipe from his mission to England.
Over 60 min
Cupid's Wedding Cake - Dorothy Farmer
In going through my recipes for this project, I came across this recipe for Cupid's Wedding cake which I received as a bride at a wedding shower held for me in Deaver, Wyoming. The recipe has yellowed over the years, but still very readable and full of wisdom. It was given to me by Mrs. Hylas T. Finley, know as "Ida" on September 11, 1946
Under 60 min
Coffee Cake - Stephanie Kreger
I once made this for breakfast when Lon's cousin who at the time was a college football player came to stay with us. He easily ate half the pan in one sitting. Apparently it's good!
Under 45 min.
Cinnamon Streusel Coffee Cake - Jenny Garrett
We love to make this for breakfast.
Under 30 min.
Christmas Fruit Cake - Dorothy Farmer
This was Jack's favorite!! A Christmas could not go by without making it. I found this recipe when I was a bride, so it has been around for many years. Jack liked it because it was so full of the candied fruit.
Under 45 min.
Chocolate Trifle - Dorothy Farmer
I haven't had this recipe very long, but it has quickly become a family favorite. Especially does Matt Howell like it. If you see him in line for it, better get in front of him, or there might not be any left. I think he could eat a recipe of it in one setting.
Over 60 min
Chocolate Pudding Dessert - Dorothy Farmer
This recipe came from a secretary who worked in the same office as I did when I worked out at the INEL Site. We would remember each other's birthdays and this is what she brought for me for my birthday one year. I loved it and have made it for my family many times over the years, particularly for Debbie's family.