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Under 30 min.
Berry Pie - Jim McFarland
Dorothy Farmer: Jim has made this pie for me and it is DELICIOUS especially when made from the blackberries grown in their back yard.


Over 60 min
Strawberry Roll Cake - Debbie McFarland
This recipe is Daniel's favorite childhood dessert!


Under 30 min.
Christmas Fruit Cake - Dorothy Farmer
This was Jack's favorite!! A Christmas could not go by without making it. I found this recipe when I was a bride, so it has been around for many years. Jack liked it because it was so full of the candied fruit.


Under 30 min.
Pecan Bars - Debbie McFarland
Left overs can be refrigerated if there are any! So easy and as good as pecan pie!!! Have fun with it!


Under 45 min.
German Chocolate Cake and Frosting - Jennifer Crites
German chocolate cake has been my choice of birthday cake ever since I can remember.


Under 60 min
English Trifle - Debbie McFarland
This is Jim's brother, Roger McFarland's recipe from his mission to England.