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Under 15 min.
White Chocolate Peanut Butter Clusters - Jennifer Crites
My mother loves these candy clusters!


Under 30 min.
White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookie - Jennifer Crites
These cookies are delicious! In fact they won 1st prize in the Parent/Child Cookie Contest at the Eastern Idaho State Fair. Aunt Jolene's cookie took 3rd place that same year. Over the years the EISF has awarded many baking ribbons and awards to the Dan Crites and Gary Farmer families!


Over 60 min
White Chocolate Filled Snickerdoodles - Katie Pond
Katie found this through Pinterest, made them, and they quickly became a family favorite.


Under 30 min.
White Chili - Jennifer Crites
This recipe has become one of our family's favorite. I served it during one Thanksgiving get together and it has spread throughout the family.


Over 60 min
White Bread - Jennifer Crites
My children grew up on this bread. I won several ribbons at the Eastern Idaho State Fair with it, as well!


Under 30 min.
Warm Chocolate Pudding Cakes - Debbie McFarland
Janette Johnson: Are all ten of those for you, or will you share?


Over 60 min
Walnut Sticky Buns - Dorothy Farmer
These were Jack's favorite rolls. They are very rich and gooey, but so tasty.


Over 60 min
Waikiki Meatballs - Janette Johnson
Dorothy Farmer: We made this recipe often when we (Walter, Janette and baby Tyler, and Jack and Dorothy) lived in the motor home together. Pleasant memories!!