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Under 45 min.
Apple Squares - Dorothy Farmer
I remember that this was a favorite of Mattson McFarland when he was just a young boy.


Under 30 min.
Applesauce Muffins - Janette Johnson
A favorite muffin recipe of the Walter Johnson family. Lots of flavor!


Over 60 min
Baby Wipes - Jenny Garrett
Annie Crites: "..Cause you never know when you need a butt wiped!"


Under 30 min.
Baked Beans - Debbie and Jim McFarland
We have had this recipe from the early years of our marriage. Dorothy Farmer: This recipe has become a family favorite and has spread far and wide. There is no better recipe for baked beans!


Over 60 min
Baked Pork Chops - Janette Johnson
This recipe comes from Barbara Perryman Bibbins.


Under 30 min.
Baked Spam and Beans - Dorothy Farmer
Very recently Gary was remembering this dish that I used to make when the family was all home. So here it is, Gary. A recipe using Spam. Janette Johnson: This is a vintage recipe for sure! I remember having this when we were younger.


Under 60 min
Baking Powder Meatballs (Swedish) - Dorothy Farmer
Jennifer Crites: My family really enjoys this recipe. Growing up, it was well known that I disliked mushrooms, but I love these meatballs. Mom used to make them a lot. She got this recipe as a newlywed. Janette and I avoided the mushroom part, but had to resort to other methods sometimes. After Dad died, Mom was cleaning out a desk in the office and found 2 cans of Cream of Mushroom soup hidden deep behind some files. I have no memory of this must have been Janette! Those had to have been some old cans of soup!