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Under 30 min.
Cabbage Salad - Jenny Garrett
This is my favorite cabbage salad and comes from Therin's aunt.


Under 45 min.
Swedish Apple Pie - Winnie Wold
Dorothy Farmer: This is another recipe of my mother's which is special because it is in her handwriting. She said their Ward had served it at a church conference.


Under 60 min
Spaghetti and Meatballs - Dorothy Farmer
Marilyn Farmer: Ever since I was introduced to the Farmer family, I have made this spaghetti recipe. My family loves it and requests it often. When we have birthday dinners at our home, this is often the meal we have. Marissa wrote a special note to mother when she was a young child. Inside it said, "I love your spaghetti!"


Over 60 min
Almond Butter Crunch - Dorothy Farmer
Jennifer Crites: This is the toffee that I make for family gatherings and for Debbie at Christmas! I sent her a Christmas tin of toffee many years ago and she has faithfully sent back the empty tin year after year for refills!


Over 60 min
Waikiki Meatballs - Janette Johnson
Dorothy Farmer: We made this recipe often when we (Walter, Janette and baby Tyler, and Jack and Dorothy) lived in the motor home together. Pleasant memories!!


Over 60 min
Swiss Steak - Debbie McFarland
Another favorite of Jack's! Dorothy made it for him often!