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Over 60 min
Prime Rib with Roasted Garlic Crust - Amber Silberberger
Don't be intimidated by the amount of garlic. It is so delicious!


Over 60 min
Chili Verde - Amber Silberberger
I love making this when we have lots of people to feed. Everyone loves it.


Over 60 min
Crab Cakes - Amber Silberberger
I found this one on my favorite cooking show "Good Eats".


Over 60 min
Pulla (a Finnish Christmas Bread) - Janette and Jennifer
The twins got this recipe when they were in Young Womens. It came from Anita Taylor who is from Finland and taught us how to make this bread.


Under 45 min.
Lemon Bundt Cake - Marilyn Farmer
This recipe was also entered by Debbie McFarland, Marcy Howell, and Jenny Garrett with only slight differences.