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Under 30 min.
Deep Dish S'mores Cookies - Jennifer Crites
These cookies were entered into the 2015 Farmer Family Reunion Cookie Contest


Over 60 min
Dinner Rolls - Janette Johnson
Jennifer Crites: We used this roll recipe to make sandwiches for Katie's wedding reception.


Under 30 min.
Divinity - Dorothy Farmer
I originally got this recipe from Evelyn Cameron, life long friend since Blackfoot. When I first tasted hers, I ate three pieces one right after another. Evelyn noticing this, said, "Would you like the recipe?" to which I readily agreed. Jennifer Crites: I remember well how Gary would make divinity Sundays evenings, and boy was he a master at it!


Over 60 min
Easter Story Cookies - Jennifer Crites
This is a unique way to share the story of the death and resurrection of Christ the night before Easter Sunday.