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Under 30 min.
Cinnamon Craisin Cookies - Jenny Garrett
These have a great "fall flavor" and I love the cinnamon chips in them!


Under 45 min.
Cinnamon Apples - Dorothy Farmer
I found this recipe in a Kerr canning book and thought it would be something my husband, Jack, would particularly enjoy and he did! as well as other family members.


Over 60 min
Chunky Chili - Marilyn Farmer
This is a sweet chili. Dorothy Farmer: This is such a good recipe and slightly different than regular chili recipes. I entered it in a chili cookoff and won first place with it. It is GOOD!!


Over 60 min
Chuck's Spaghetti Sauce - Jennifer Crites
Ask any child in the Crites' family the origin of this recipe. It has become a family joke because they have heard it a million times! Chuck was Dan's roommate in college.


Under 30 min.
Christmas Fruit Cake - Dorothy Farmer
This was Jack's favorite!! A Christmas could not go by without making it. I found this recipe when I was a bride, so it has been around for many years. Jack liked it because it was so full of the candied fruit.


Under 30 min.
Chocolate-Dipped Pecans - Dan Crites
These can be used for garnishing pies and desserts, as well as for delicious snacking.


Under 45 min.
Chocolate Trifle - Dorothy Farmer
I haven't had this recipe very long, but it has quickly become a family favorite. Especially does Matt Howell like it. If you see him in line for it, better get in front of him, or there might not be any left. I think he could eat a recipe of it in one setting.


Under 15 min.
Chocolate Syrup - Thelma Perryman
This has got to be the best chocolate syrup recipe ever. Aunt Thelma did the family a favor when she gave it to us.


Under 45 min.
Chocolate Puffs - Dorothy Farmer
This was a recipe given to me by Barbara Perryman Bibbins. It is a GOOD chocolate cookie recipe! I have made it many times. Jennifer Crites: Mom sent these cookies to me in a Pringles Potato Chip canister when I was on my mission in Honduras. It brought such a sense of home to receive one of my favorite cookies!


Over 60 min
Chocolate Pudding Dessert - Dorothy Farmer
This recipe came from a secretary who worked in the same office as I did when I worked out at the INEL Site. We would remember each other's birthdays and this is what she brought for me for my birthday one year. I loved it and have made it for my family many times over the years, particularly for Debbie's family.