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Under 15 min.
Fluffy French Toast - Jenny Garrett
This is a twist on regular French toast and a new favorite at our house.


Under 45 min.
Finger Steaks - Amber Silberberger
This is my dad's birthday meal. When I was a teenager, living with my dad, we tried and tried to make it "like mom does" but it never turned out right. Together, after a year of trial and error, we accomplished it! I have great memories cooking this with my daddy. I love him!!


Under 30 min.
Fatty Balls - Debbie McFarland
The most important step of this recipe is that after these balls are made and frozen, you sneak them out one at a time and secretly eat the whole batch before they get served.


Under 60 min
English Trifle - Debbie McFarland
This is Jim's brother, Roger McFarland's recipe from his mission to England.


Over 60 min
Easter Story Cookies - Jennifer Crites
This is a unique way to share the story of the death and resurrection of Christ the night before Easter Sunday.