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- Appetizers
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Under 30 min.
Chocolate-Dipped Pecans - Dan Crites
These can be used for garnishing pies and desserts, as well as for delicious snacking.


Under 30 min.
Christmas Fruit Cake - Dorothy Farmer
This was Jack's favorite!! A Christmas could not go by without making it. I found this recipe when I was a bride, so it has been around for many years. Jack liked it because it was so full of the candied fruit.


Over 60 min
Chuck's Spaghetti Sauce - Jennifer Crites
Ask any child in the Crites' family the origin of this recipe. It has become a family joke because they have heard it a million times! Chuck was Dan's roommate in college.


Over 60 min
Chunky Chili - Marilyn Farmer
This is a sweet chili. Dorothy Farmer: This is such a good recipe and slightly different than regular chili recipes. I entered it in a chili cookoff and won first place with it. It is GOOD!!


Under 45 min.
Cinnamon Apples - Dorothy Farmer
I found this recipe in a Kerr canning book and thought it would be something my husband, Jack, would particularly enjoy and he did! as well as other family members.


Under 30 min.
Cinnamon Craisin Cookies - Jenny Garrett
These have a great "fall flavor" and I love the cinnamon chips in them!


Over 60 min
Cinnamon Rolls - Dorothy Farmer
Janette Johnson: Mom was such a patient teacher in teaching her children, as well as her grandchildren, to cook. I remember Mom letting us help her with the rolls, spreading the butter or cinnamon over the dough. And of course we had to have the ruler out so we could measure each cut to make them just right. It was always a treat on those Saturdays when Mom would cook beans and cinnamon rolls.


Under 45 min.
Cinnamon Streusel Coffee Cake - Jenny Garrett
We love to make this for breakfast.


Under 30 min.
Classic Red Velvet Frosting - Jennifer Crites
This frosting was used on the Red Velvet cupcakes at Annie Crites' wedding reception.


Under 30 min.
Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies - Debbie McFarland
Dorothy Farmer: These are a family favorite. I have made them many times, especially for grandchildren. They stay moist for a longer period of time than the regular chocolate chip cookies.


Under 30 min.
Coconut Rice - Janette Johnson
Jenny Garrett: This is great to serve with kabobs or Chinese food.