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Under 60 min
Coffee Cake - Stephanie Kreger
I once made this for breakfast when Lon's cousin who at the time was a college football player came to stay with us. He easily ate half the pan in one sitting. Apparently it's good!


Under 15 min.
Corn Fritters - Dorothy Farmer
Jennifer Crites: I really liked these growing up. My dad did, too.


Over 60 min
Crab Cakes - Amber Silberberger
I found this one on my favorite cooking show "Good Eats".


Under 15 min.
Cranberry Tea - Dorothy Farmer
Jack and I were visiting his cousin Doris Beall in Basin, Wyoming and she asked us if we would like a cup of tea before we left. We declined, but she, a non-Mormon, sensed our reason for not accepting it and guaranteed this was a non-caffeine type of tea, and served us this recipe. Jack liked it so well, she gave us the recipe. Some of our family didn't like it too well, so I didn't make it often, but Jack loved it.


Under 30 min.
Crawfish Quesadillas with Mango Relish - Jill Prince
This is probably a daring add to the family cookbook, but I've learned to enjoy these little critters. If you are going to like 'em, you'll enjoy them in this recipe.