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Under 60 min
Quick and Easy Cinnamon Rolls - Alyson Farmer
We have these every Sunday morning for breakfast. We have recently stopped making the sugar glaze and eating them plain. They are still yummy.


Under 60 min
Cheesy Mashed Potatoes - Amber Silberberger
My dad would make this every Christmas and we devoured it!


Under 60 min
Grandma Allen's Caramels - Marilyn Farmer
My mom's caramels were a big tradition every Christmas. We all looked forward to them. I learned to make them and wrap them in wax paper like a Christmas gift. I now make caramels for my brothers and sister. My brother Richard said, "I appreciate you sending us the caramels for Christmas. It reminds me of mother."


Under 60 min
Baking Powder Meatballs (Swedish) - Dorothy Farmer
Jennifer Crites: My family really enjoys this recipe. Growing up, it was well known that I disliked mushrooms, but I love these meatballs. Mom used to make them a lot. She got this recipe as a newlywed. Janette and I avoided the mushroom part, but had to resort to other methods sometimes. After Dad died, Mom was cleaning out a desk in the office and found 2 cans of Cream of Mushroom soup hidden deep behind some files. I have no memory of this must have been Janette! Those had to have been some old cans of soup!