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Under 60 min
Chicken Marsala - Debbie McFarland
Not a Weight Watcher type dish!! I got this recipe from a cooking class at Carraba's Restaurant.


Under 60 min
Caramel Bars - Jennifer Crites
This recipe comes from Stephanie Sundseth, Dan's niece. She made a ton of them for Katie's wedding reception. They had to be put under lock and key so there would be some to serve at the reception.


Under 60 min
Spaghetti and Meatballs - Dorothy Farmer
Marilyn Farmer: Ever since I was introduced to the Farmer family, I have made this spaghetti recipe. My family loves it and requests it often. When we have birthday dinners at our home, this is often the meal we have. Marissa wrote a special note to mother when she was a young child. Inside it said, "I love your spaghetti!"


Under 60 min
Plum Jam - Dorothy Farmer
The family will remember how Jack loved his jams and jellies. This was not only a favorite of Jack but it was mine also.


Under 60 min
Yellow Tomato Preserves - Dorothy Farmer
This recipe was Jack's favorite jam and came from his mother. He grew up with it.


Under 60 min
Lemon Blossoms - Debbie McFarland
This cookie was entered in the 2013 Family Reunion Cookie Contest.


Under 60 min
Tomato Meat Balls - Dorothy Farmer
These were my favorite food when I was growing up and no one could make them better than my mother. I remember of being sick and asking for these meat balls and Mother telling me I couldn't have them until my stomach "got better."


Under 60 min
Coffee Cake - Stephanie Kreger
I once made this for breakfast when Lon's cousin who at the time was a college football player came to stay with us. He easily ate half the pan in one sitting. Apparently it's good!