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Over 60 min
Pretzel Bites - Stephanie Kreger
I make these all the time. They are so good and easy!


Over 60 min
Lemon Cloud Popcorn - Jennifer Crites
This popcorn was served at Annie Crites' wedding reception.


Over 60 min
Cinnamon Rolls - Dorothy Farmer
Janette Johnson: Mom was such a patient teacher in teaching her children, as well as her grandchildren, to cook. I remember Mom letting us help her with the rolls, spreading the butter or cinnamon over the dough. And of course we had to have the ruler out so we could measure each cut to make them just right. It was always a treat on those Saturdays when Mom would cook beans and cinnamon rolls.


Over 60 min
Caramel Corn - Jennifer Crites
We used this recipe to make Zebra Caramel Corn (Caramel corn drizzled with white and dark chocolate) for Annie Crites' wedding reception.


Over 60 min
Whole Wheat Light Dinner Rolls - Jennifer Crites
These are the rolls used to make the BBQ Pork sliders at Annie Crites' wedding reception. The wheat I use makes a big difference. It is Montana Prairie Gold, a hard white wheat, high in gluten.


Under 60 min
The Biltmore's Bread Pudding - Dorothy Farmer
For bread pudding lovers, this is the best recipe ever!!! Supposedly the recipe served at the Biltmore! It is NOT a Weight Watchers recipe!


Under 60 min
Caramel-Pecan Pie - Dan Crites
This is a rich and gooey caramel pecan pie. We're hoping that Jolene will make it for us.