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Over 60 min
Swiss Steak - Debbie McFarland
Another favorite of Jack's! Dorothy made it for him often!


Over 60 min
Hawaiian Chicken - Dorothy Farmer
We called this our "Soy Chicken" recipe. Another favorite of Jack's.


Over 60 min
Strawberry Ice Cream - Dorothy Farmer
Jennifer Crites: Grandma's ice cream is the best according to my children. We all love this strawberry one and even as much when it is made with raspberries!


Over 60 min
Hamburger Jerky - Jenny Garrett
This is the BEST jerky I have ever had. You would never know it was made with hamburger.


Over 60 min
Strawberry Chocolate Cookies - Alice Johnson
Janette Johnson: When Alli was 3 1/2 years old she loved creating recipes. She started her own "My Family Recipes" cookbook. I am kicking myself for not saving all of them...but I did save a few. Here is one using some of her favorite ingredients. I was amazed that she got many of the right kind of ingredients, even though the proportions are a bit off. I just wrote what she told me.


Over 60 min
White Chocolate Filled Snickerdoodles - Katie Pond
Katie found this through Pinterest, made them, and they quickly became a family favorite.


Over 60 min
Pork Chops 'N Stuffing - Marilyn Farmer
Dorothy Farmer: Funny thing about recipes. When I pulled this recipe to include in this cookbook, I had remembered it was mine because I had made it so many times, but lo and behold! I had typed on it that it came from Marilyn. So thanks Marilyn for a very favorite dish!! I have made it many times and served it at many "company" dinners!!