Bianco's Pizza Dough - Katie Pond
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- 2.250.5625 tsp yeast
- 20.5 cups warm water
- 51.25 cups flour to 5 and 1/2 cups flour
- 20.5 tsp fine sea salt
- Extra virgin olive oil, for the bowl
- Dissolve yeast in water in a large bowl and let stand for 5 minutes. Stir in 3 cups flour and the salt, stirring till smooth. Stir in 2 cups more flour and continue adding more of the remaining 1/2 cup, a little at a time until dough comes away from the bowl but is still sticky.
- Turn dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead about 10 minutes. Shape dough into a ball and transfer into a lightly oiled bowl, turning to coat. Cover with plastic and let rise until it doubles in volume, about 3 hours. A finger indentation should remain in dough when ready.
- Place a pizza stone on floor of gas oven (remove racks) or on the bottom rack of electric oven. Preheat oven to at least 500F for 1 hour.
- Meanwhile, scrape dough out of bowl onto floured surface and cut into 4 pieces, Shape into balls. Dust with flour and cover with plastic. Let rest 20-30 minutes, allowing dough to relax and almost double.
- Holding top edge of 1 dough ball in both hands, let bottom edge touch surface. (Refrigerate other balls.) Carefully move hands around edge to form a circle, as if turning a wheel. Hold dough on back of hand, letting its weight stretch into a 12 inch round. Transfer dough to a lightly floured paddle. Press out edges with your fingers and dust with flour as needed. Arrange desired sauce and toppings on dough.
- Heat oven to broil. Align paddle with edge of stone and jerk the pizza gently onto the stone. When edge of pizza touches stone, quickly pull back paddle to transfer pizza to stone. Broil unitl bubbles begin to form in crust and golden brown, 3-4 minutes. Reduce heat to 500F and bake until crust is crisp and golden brown, about 6-8 minutes longer, Remove pizza from oven with paddle. Top with any additional toppings desired. Slice and serve. Repeat with remaining dough.