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Over 60 min
Guacamole - Debbie McFarland
Jennifer Crites: This has been affectionately known as "Chopped Frogs". We love it!


Over 60 min
Yogurt Sauce - Debbie McFarland
Great in Gyro sandwiches or as a spread on any sandwich


Over 60 min
Chuck's Spaghetti Sauce - Jennifer Crites
Ask any child in the Crites' family the origin of this recipe. It has become a family joke because they have heard it a million times! Chuck was Dan's roommate in college.


Over 60 min
Creamy Tomato Basil Soup - Jennifer Crites
Another recipe from Dan's niece Stephanie Sundseth, who served this at her restaurant.


Over 60 min
Basic Dough for Cinnamon Rolls - Debbie McFarland
We used to have a tradition of passing these out on Christmas Eve to our best friends. The kids would deliver them hot to our friends' doors.


Over 60 min
White Dessert Cake - Jennifer Crites
Refreshingly delightful and amazing with raspberries!


Over 60 min
Dinner Rolls - Janette Johnson
Jennifer Crites: We used this roll recipe to make sandwiches for Katie's wedding reception.


Over 60 min
Easter Story Cookies - Jennifer Crites
This is a unique way to share the story of the death and resurrection of Christ the night before Easter Sunday.


Over 60 min
Cupid's Wedding Cake - Dorothy Farmer
In going through my recipes for this project, I came across this recipe for Cupid's Wedding cake which I received as a bride at a wedding shower held for me in Deaver, Wyoming. The recipe has yellowed over the years, but still very readable and full of wisdom. It was given to me by Mrs. Hylas T. Finley, know as "Ida" on September 11, 1946