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Over 60 min
Gingerbread Man Cookies - Jennifer Crites
Every Christmas season we honor Grandpa Wold by eating whipped cream and gingerbread! He loved whipped cream and used gingerbread as the vehicle to eat it. We make cookies and use whipped cream as a dip. It wouldn't be Christmas without biting heads and feet off the gingerbread men.


Over 60 min
Sweet Potatoes - Jennifer Crites
We all look forward to Stephanie Sundseth bringing her awesome sweet potatoes to Thanksgiving dinner each year! This is her recipe.


Over 60 min
Almond Butter Crunch - Dorothy Farmer
Jennifer Crites: This is the toffee that I make for family gatherings and for Debbie at Christmas! I sent her a Christmas tin of toffee many years ago and she has faithfully sent back the empty tin year after year for refills!


Over 60 min
Waikiki Meatballs - Janette Johnson
Dorothy Farmer: We made this recipe often when we (Walter, Janette and baby Tyler, and Jack and Dorothy) lived in the motor home together. Pleasant memories!!