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Over 60 min
Sweet Potatoes - Jennifer Crites
We all look forward to Stephanie Sundseth bringing her awesome sweet potatoes to Thanksgiving dinner each year! This is her recipe.


Over 60 min
Swiss Steak - Debbie McFarland
Another favorite of Jack's! Dorothy made it for him often!


Under 30 min.
Taffy - Winnie Wold
Dorothy Farmer: This is my mother's recipe. No one in the world could make better taffy than she could. I have tried this recipe, but it didn't turn out nearly as well as hers. I have included this recipe for all the family who have tasted her wonderful taffy. She would start to pull the taffy when it was yet so hot that she would put butter on her fingers, so it wouldn't burn them. Good luck to those of you who might try this recipe.


Under 45 min.
Tamale Pie - Debbie McFarland
This recipe came from Jim McFarland's mother, Jessie and it is a favorite from Jim's childhood.


Under 45 min.
Texas Roadhouse Rattle Snake Bites - Jenny Garrett
These are my favorite thing at Texas Roadhouse (besides the rolls!)