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Under 45 min.
Candy Cane Cookies - Dorothy Farmer
Jennifer Crites: This cookie was a treat for me growing up and I have made it almost every year since I've been married. It's not Christmas for my kids without this favorite cookie. Janette Johnson: I remember making these cookies with Mom during the Holidays.


Over 60 min
BYU Mint Brownies - Marilyn Farmer
These are the brownies that were made in the bakery where Uncle John, Uncle Gary, Aunt Jennifer, and Uncle Walter worked on BYU Campus.


Over 60 min
Butter Popcorn Cookies - Alyson Farmer
This cookie was entered in the 2013 Family Reunion Cookie Contest.


Under 30 min.
Brownies - Janette Johnson
Jennifer Crites: I have made these many times and sometimes added a cream cheese filling.


Over 60 min
Brown Butter Pretzel M&M Cookies - Stephanie Merrill Farmer
This cookie was entered in the 2013 Family Reunion Cookie Contest.


Under 30 min.
Andes Mint Cookies - Jolene Farmer
This cookie was served at Katie's wedding reception.


Under 30 min.
Almond Joy Cookies - Jenny Garrett
Jenny sent these cookies for the 2013 Farmer Family Christmas Cookie Exchange.