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Over 60 min
Easter Story Cookies - Jennifer Crites
This is a unique way to share the story of the death and resurrection of Christ the night before Easter Sunday.


Over 60 min
Gingerbread Man Cookies - Jennifer Crites
Every Christmas season we honor Grandpa Wold by eating whipped cream and gingerbread! He loved whipped cream and used gingerbread as the vehicle to eat it. We make cookies and use whipped cream as a dip. It wouldn't be Christmas without biting heads and feet off the gingerbread men.


Over 60 min
Strawberry Chocolate Cookies - Alice Johnson
Janette Johnson: When Alli was 3 1/2 years old she loved creating recipes. She started her own "My Family Recipes" cookbook. I am kicking myself for not saving all of them...but I did save a few. Here is one using some of her favorite ingredients. I was amazed that she got many of the right kind of ingredients, even though the proportions are a bit off. I just wrote what she told me.


Over 60 min
White Chocolate Filled Snickerdoodles - Katie Pond
Katie found this through Pinterest, made them, and they quickly became a family favorite.


Over 60 min
Marshmallow Cookies - Thelma Perryman
This cookie was entered in the 2013 Family Reunion Cookie Contest.


Over 60 min
Orange Zested Cookies - Tadd Farmer
This cookie was entered in the 2013 Family Reunion Cookie Contest.


Over 60 min
Brown Butter Pretzel M&M Cookies - Stephanie Merrill Farmer
This cookie was entered in the 2013 Family Reunion Cookie Contest.


Over 60 min
Butter Popcorn Cookies - Alyson Farmer
This cookie was entered in the 2013 Family Reunion Cookie Contest.