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Under 30 min.
Chocolate Chip Cookies - Jennifer Crites
This recipe comes from our friends, Joe and Diana Free who make a killer chocolate chip cookie!


Under 45 min.
Chocolate Puffs - Dorothy Farmer
This was a recipe given to me by Barbara Perryman Bibbins. It is a GOOD chocolate cookie recipe! I have made it many times. Jennifer Crites: Mom sent these cookies to me in a Pringles Potato Chip canister when I was on my mission in Honduras. It brought such a sense of home to receive one of my favorite cookies!


Under 45 min.
Old Fashioned Sugar Cookies - Dorothy Farmer
This is a GOOD sugar cookie recipe. The cookies should be large soft and thick. I have made these cookies with grandchildren to enter in the fair in the "Grandmother-Grandchild" category and have won first place with them. My memory is dim, maybe it was second place, but anyway, we DID win a prize. I also have used this recipe to make Christmas cookies and have iced them with colored icing in Christmas colors. Fun to do with grandchildren!


Under 45 min.
Candy Cane Cookies - Dorothy Farmer
Jennifer Crites: This cookie was a treat for me growing up and I have made it almost every year since I've been married. It's not Christmas for my kids without this favorite cookie. Janette Johnson: I remember making these cookies with Mom during the Holidays.


Under 45 min.
Frosted Banana Bars - Marilyn Farmer
Debbie McFarland: Although this is Marilyn's recipe, my family has made and enjoyed it so often through the years, it has become a favorite McFarland recipe.


Under 45 min.
Fresh and Famous Cowpies - Jennifer Crites
We had a bishop and dear friend, Dave Free, who made a large "cowpie" ( 6" round pan) for each youth in our ward on their birthday and delivered it fresh and steamy. It was a great treat and one we'll always remember.


Under 45 min.
S'mores Nougats - Mattson McFarland
Mattson made these cookies for the 2013 Farmer Cookie Exchange.


Under 60 min
Caramel Bars - Jennifer Crites
This recipe comes from Stephanie Sundseth, Dan's niece. She made a ton of them for Katie's wedding reception. They had to be put under lock and key so there would be some to serve at the reception.


Under 60 min
Lemon Blossoms - Debbie McFarland
This cookie was entered in the 2013 Family Reunion Cookie Contest.


Over 60 min
Caramel Twix Bars - Jenny Garrett
Jenny entered these cookies in the 2015 Farmer Family Reunion Cookie Contest...and won! The uncles have a terrible job each year, sampling and judging all the cookies at the reunions. It's a tough job but they do it without complaint!


Over 60 min
BYU Mint Brownies - Marilyn Farmer
These are the brownies that were made in the bakery where Uncle John, Uncle Gary, Aunt Jennifer, and Uncle Walter worked on BYU Campus.