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Under 45 min.
Old Fashioned Sugar Cookies - Dorothy Farmer
This is a GOOD sugar cookie recipe. The cookies should be large soft and thick. I have made these cookies with grandchildren to enter in the fair in the "Grandmother-Grandchild" category and have won first place with them. My memory is dim, maybe it was second place, but anyway, we DID win a prize. I also have used this recipe to make Christmas cookies and have iced them with colored icing in Christmas colors. Fun to do with grandchildren!


Over 60 min
Orange Zested Cookies - Tadd Farmer
This cookie was entered in the 2013 Family Reunion Cookie Contest.


Under 30 min.
Oreos - Jolene Farmer
Dan Crites (a self proclaimed cookie connoisseur) loves these!


Under 30 min.
Peanut Blossoms - Jennifer Crites
Dorothy Farmer: This is a festive, delicious cookie recipe given to me from Jennifer. She ended the recipe with the notation, "Mother, I love you, Jennifer"


Under 15 min.
Peanut Butter Cookies - Jennifer Crites
This is a recipe that Janette and I have used often.


Under 30 min.
Peanut Butter Fingers - Debbie McFarland
When Mattson was a little boy, he loved these cookies that were made by lunch ladies for school lunches. He asked for the recipe and they copied it down for the little 2nd grader who loved cooking even then.


Under 45 min.
S'mores Nougats - Mattson McFarland
Mattson made these cookies for the 2013 Farmer Cookie Exchange.


Under 30 min.
Salted Peanut Chews - Stephanie Kreger
These have won grand prize at the Eastern Idaho State Fair 4 times!