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Under 30 min.
Frozen Dessert - Dorothy Farmer
A delicious favorite! I served this in Mesa (Jennifer and Dan's home) for the first time during a Thanksgiving Week visit with them.


Under 45 min.
Cinnamon Streusel Coffee Cake - Jenny Garrett
We love to make this for breakfast.


Under 45 min.
Chocolate Trifle - Dorothy Farmer
I haven't had this recipe very long, but it has quickly become a family favorite. Especially does Matt Howell like it. If you see him in line for it, better get in front of him, or there might not be any left. I think he could eat a recipe of it in one setting.


Under 45 min.
Lemon Bundt Cake - Marilyn Farmer
This recipe was also entered by Debbie McFarland, Marcy Howell, and Jenny Garrett with only slight differences.