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Over 60 min
Swiss Steak - Debbie McFarland
Another favorite of Jack's! Dorothy made it for him often!


Over 60 min
Sweet Potatoes - Jennifer Crites
We all look forward to Stephanie Sundseth bringing her awesome sweet potatoes to Thanksgiving dinner each year! This is her recipe.


Under 45 min.
Sweet and Sour Meatballs - Janette Johnson
These were served at Becca and John's reception.


Under 30 min.
Sweet and Sour Chicken - Jennifer Crites
This has been a favorite birthday meal for our kids throughout the years.


Under 45 min.
Swedish Apple Pie - Winnie Wold
Dorothy Farmer: This is another recipe of my mother's which is special because it is in her handwriting. She said their Ward had served it at a church conference.


Over 60 min
Super Grain Bread - Alyson Farmer
This is the recipe I make nearly every week. I think the reason we all like it so much is because of how light it is. I grind the grain mix and wheat the day I make the bread for freshness.