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Over 60 min
Raised Doughnuts - Dorothy Farmer
I used to make these a lot, and then kind of got out of the habit. They are real tasty. I got this recipe when we lived in Billings, Montana many years ago.


Over 60 min
Shredded Beef or Chicken - Paty McFarland
This method of cooking beef and chicken is used throughout all of Paty's recipes.


Over 60 min
Walnut Sticky Buns - Dorothy Farmer
These were Jack's favorite rolls. They are very rich and gooey, but so tasty.


Over 60 min
Baked Pork Chops - Janette Johnson
This recipe comes from Barbara Perryman Bibbins.


Under 45 min.
Chocolate Trifle - Dorothy Farmer
I haven't had this recipe very long, but it has quickly become a family favorite. Especially does Matt Howell like it. If you see him in line for it, better get in front of him, or there might not be any left. I think he could eat a recipe of it in one setting.


Over 60 min
Old-Fashioned Potato Salad - Marilyn Farmer
This is a recipe from Marilyn's sister Kathie.


Under 45 min.
Light Refrigerator Roll Recipe - Dorothy Farmer
I found this recipe in a Relief Society Magazine (back when they still printed them) and have used it many times over the years. Makes a very light, soft roll. I have used the recipe for each of the variations and it provides an easy way to make orange and pecan rolls.