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Over 60 min
BYU Mint Brownies - Marilyn Farmer
These are the brownies that were made in the bakery where Uncle John, Uncle Gary, Aunt Jennifer, and Uncle Walter worked on BYU Campus.


Over 60 min
Super Grain Bread - Alyson Farmer
This is the recipe I make nearly every week. I think the reason we all like it so much is because of how light it is. I grind the grain mix and wheat the day I make the bread for freshness.


Over 60 min
Twice-Baked Potatoes - Amber Silberberger
My mom Pam made these for us all the time because they were my dad's favorite! After all, we are from Idaho so potatoes were a must with every dinner!


Over 60 min
Prime Rib with Roasted Garlic Crust - Amber Silberberger
Don't be intimidated by the amount of garlic. It is so delicious!


Over 60 min
Chili Verde - Amber Silberberger
I love making this when we have lots of people to feed. Everyone loves it.


Over 60 min
Crab Cakes - Amber Silberberger
I found this one on my favorite cooking show "Good Eats".


Over 60 min
Parmesan Rolls - Jennifer Crites
These rolls are fast and easy to make and have been requested to be included in our cookbook.


Over 60 min
Pulla (a Finnish Christmas Bread) - Janette and Jennifer
The twins got this recipe when they were in Young Womens. It came from Anita Taylor who is from Finland and taught us how to make this bread.