Light Refrigerator Roll Recipe - Dorothy Farmer
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- 10.0277777777778 cup shortening
- .750.0208333333333 cup sugar
- 20.0555555555556 tsp salt
- 10.0277777777778 cup boiling water
- 20.0555555555556 packages yeast
- .50.0138888888889 cup lukewarm water
- 40.111111111111 eggs
- 70.194444444444 cups approximately flour
- 10.0277777777778 cup cold water
- Bring one cup of water to boiling. Add shortening, sugar and salt, and stir to blend. Set aside to cool. Add yeast to the 1/2 cup lukewarm water to soften. Beat eggs and add the yeast and water mixture. Add the cold water to the shortening, sugar and boiling water mixture to cool it down. (If used too hot, it will kill the yeast.) Add the flour alternately with the shortening yeast mixture to make a soft dough, adding more flour if necessary. Knead lighty until mixed. Let rise until double in bulk. Punch down and form into dinner rolls and let rolls rise until double in bulk. Bake at 350F for approximately 1/2 hour or until lightly browned.
- For orange rolls, let the dough rise until double in bulk. Punch down and roll out as you would for cinnamon rolls. Spread with 2 tbsp melted butter which has been mixed with 2 tsp orange juice. Sprinkle with 1/4 cup granulated sugar and 1 tbsp grated orange rind. Roll loosely as for jelly roll, seal edges and cut in 1 inch slices. Let rise until double in size and then bake at 350F for about 30 minutes or until lightly browned.
- For pecan rolls, Let the dough rise until double in bulk. Punch down and roll dough as for cinnamon rolls. Spread with melted butter and sprinkle with 1/4 cup brown sugar and 1/4 cup of finely chopped pecans. Combine 2 cups brown sugar, 1/4 cup light corn syrup, 1 tbsp butter and beat slowly until blended. Place mixture in bottom of greased individual muffin tins or greased shallow pans along with pecan halves. Place rolls over mixture. Let rise until double in size. Bake in 350F oven for approximately 1/2 hour, or until lightly browned.