Nellie's Braided Christmas Bread - Janette Johnson
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- 2.50.833333333333 cups warm milk
- .50.166666666667 cup oil
- .50.166666666667 cup sugar
- 20.666666666667 tsp salt
- 20.666666666667 eggs
- 20.666666666667 tbsp yeast
- 7.52.5 cups flour to make a soft dough
- 10.333333333333 can any flavor pie filling
- Combine liquids, add yeast to soften. Add all ingredients and enough flour to make a soft dough. Let raise.
- Roll into 3-4 rectangular shapes, about 11x14 inches each. Spread pie filling down the middle of each rectangle, leaving top edges clear and about 3-4 inches on the sides. Note: I like to make a cream cheese/powdered sugar mixture to spread on the dough before putting the fruit filling on.
- With a pair of scissors or a knife, cut the sides making a slit every inch. You will then alternate strips from side to side in a mock braid look. The ends will then be tucked under to complete the loaf. Let raise again. Bake at 350F till golden brown. After the loaves are cooled, drizzle with a glaze made from powdered sugar and water, criss-crossing to make it look nice. You can sprinkle sliced almonds on top if you like.