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- Appetizers
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- Breads
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- Salad
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- Beans & Rice
- Potatoes
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- Canning
- Snacks
- Other


Under 15 min.
Mango Black Bean Quinoa Salad - Spencer Crites
This salad was served at the 2013 Family Reunion.


Under 15 min.
Mango Fresh Fruit Salad - Jennifer Crites
This salad was served at the 2013 Family Reunion


Under 15 min.
Fried Cheese - Grandpa Farmer (John Marshall)
This was one of Grandpa Farmer's snacks! It could really stink up a house if you didn't appreciate the aroma of fried cheese. It was the quickest way to get Mike out of the house! He wasn't one to partake in this delicacy!!


Under 15 min.
Strawberry Sauce - Jennifer Crites
We served this with fried ice cream and it was delicious!


Under 30 min.
Deep Dish S'mores Cookies - Jennifer Crites
These cookies were entered into the 2015 Farmer Family Reunion Cookie Contest


Under 30 min.
Lemon Crinkle Cookies - Heather Johnson
Heather Johnson entered this cookie in the 2015 Farmer Family Reunion cookie contest. It's yummy!!


Under 30 min.
Potato Soup - Alyson Farmer
Janette Johnson has this recipe but uses only 1 cup of the cheese, half the bacon and onions in the soup and the rest for garnishing.


Under 30 min.
Chocolate-Dipped Pecans - Dan Crites
These can be used for garnishing pies and desserts, as well as for delicious snacking.