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Under 60 min
Tomato Meat Balls - Dorothy Farmer
These were my favorite food when I was growing up and no one could make them better than my mother. I remember of being sick and asking for these meat balls and Mother telling me I couldn't have them until my stomach "got better."


Under 60 min
Coffee Cake - Stephanie Kreger
I once made this for breakfast when Lon's cousin who at the time was a college football player came to stay with us. He easily ate half the pan in one sitting. Apparently it's good!


Under 60 min
Smokey Chipotle Barbecue Sauce for Pork Sliders - Jennifer Crites
This sauce was used to make pulled pork sliders at Annie Crites' wedding reception.


Under 60 min
Pavloa (A New Zealand Dessert) - Alyson Farmer
Brad got this recipe at a cooking class. It has become one of our all time favorite desserts. Yummy! We even like to eat them without the topping.


Over 60 min
Cheesecake Factory's Carrot Cake Cheesecake - Jenny Garrett
Be careful when you make this, you might just eat the whole thing yourself!


Over 60 min
Caramel Twix Bars - Jenny Garrett
Jenny entered these cookies in the 2015 Farmer Family Reunion Cookie Contest...and won! The uncles have a terrible job each year, sampling and judging all the cookies at the reunions. It's a tough job but they do it without complaint!