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Over 60 min
Layered Gelatin - Alyson Farmer
Our boys have loved having layered jello and I make it frequently. Eventually I started bringing it to Farmer family gatherings at John and Marilyn's house. It caused some concern initially since layered jello is synonymous with announcing a pregnancy in the family. Marilyn had made layered jello when pregnant with Marissa. Since we never had an announcement to make when bringing jello, it has now been accepted as the norm. Marilyn Farmer: Layered jello has been the means of making big announcements. It started at the dinner when we announced the pregnancy and anticipated birth of Marissa. The family has since used this tradition to tell of good news, Jimmy and Josie being the latest, as they announced their pregnancy.


Over 60 min
Old-Fashioned Potato Salad - Marilyn Farmer
This is a recipe from Marilyn's sister Kathie.


Over 60 min
Fresh Spinach Salad - Debbie McFarland
Jennifer Crites: This recipe is a staple for Farmer family gatherings. Many will remember the separate bowl prepared for Grandpa Farmer because he didn't like cottage cheese. When I make it, there are no mushrooms. Aunt Deb adds mushrooms, but she makes it wrong! Amber Silberberger: This is my favorite salad Aunt Deb dad and I always made it for Christmas. Now I make it every Easter for my family. I bring it to pot lucks and get so many compliments on it!!! I LOVE this salad, thanks Aunt Deb!!


Over 60 min
Chunky Chili - Marilyn Farmer
This is a sweet chili. Dorothy Farmer: This is such a good recipe and slightly different than regular chili recipes. I entered it in a chili cookoff and won first place with it. It is GOOD!!