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Under 30 min.
Almond Joy Cookies - Jenny Garrett
Jenny sent these cookies for the 2013 Farmer Family Christmas Cookie Exchange.


Under 30 min.
Triple Chocolate Pudding Cookies - Alli Johnson Leah
These were sent by Alli for the 2013 Farmer Family Christmas Cookie Exchange.


Under 30 min.
Chocolate Chip Cookies - Jennifer Crites
This recipe comes from our friends, Joe and Diana Free who make a killer chocolate chip cookie!


Under 45 min.
Chocolate Puffs - Dorothy Farmer
This was a recipe given to me by Barbara Perryman Bibbins. It is a GOOD chocolate cookie recipe! I have made it many times. Jennifer Crites: Mom sent these cookies to me in a Pringles Potato Chip canister when I was on my mission in Honduras. It brought such a sense of home to receive one of my favorite cookies!


Under 45 min.
Old Fashioned Sugar Cookies - Dorothy Farmer
This is a GOOD sugar cookie recipe. The cookies should be large soft and thick. I have made these cookies with grandchildren to enter in the fair in the "Grandmother-Grandchild" category and have won first place with them. My memory is dim, maybe it was second place, but anyway, we DID win a prize. I also have used this recipe to make Christmas cookies and have iced them with colored icing in Christmas colors. Fun to do with grandchildren!


Under 45 min.
Candy Cane Cookies - Dorothy Farmer
Jennifer Crites: This cookie was a treat for me growing up and I have made it almost every year since I've been married. It's not Christmas for my kids without this favorite cookie. Janette Johnson: I remember making these cookies with Mom during the Holidays.


Under 45 min.
Frosted Banana Bars - Marilyn Farmer
Debbie McFarland: Although this is Marilyn's recipe, my family has made and enjoyed it so often through the years, it has become a favorite McFarland recipe.