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Under 60 min
Poppy Seed Bread - Dorothy Farmer
I have made this bread MANY times for family gatherings. It is a favorite!


Under 45 min.
German Chocolate Cake and Frosting - Jennifer Crites
German chocolate cake has been my choice of birthday cake ever since I can remember.


Over 60 min
Basic Dough for Cinnamon Rolls - Debbie McFarland
We used to have a tradition of passing these out on Christmas Eve to our best friends. The kids would deliver them hot to our friends' doors.


Under 60 min
Grilled Tri Tip Roast With Rub - Dan Crites
We first had this at the McFarlands with Jess at the grill. Wow, what a great meal that was!


Under 30 min.
Lettuce Egg Salad - Dorothy Farmer
A family favorite, especially Allison Farmer and her grandpa Farmer. He loved it!! Also requested and loved by Katie Crites and Jenny Johnson.


Under 60 min
Tortilla Soup - Paty McFarland
This is to die for and absolutely everyone in my family loves it!!!