I made these for my dad for Father's Day. As usual, he didn't get many of them because he forgot they were in the fridge but everyone else remembered!
My mom's caramels were a big tradition every Christmas. We all looked forward to them. I learned to make them and wrap them in wax paper like a Christmas gift. I now make caramels for my brothers and sister. My brother Richard said, "I appreciate you sending us the caramels for Christmas. It reminds me of mother."
Dorothy Farmer: This is my mother's recipe. No one in the world could make better taffy than she could. I have tried this recipe, but it didn't turn out nearly as well as hers. I have included this recipe for all the family who have tasted her wonderful taffy. She would start to pull the taffy when it was yet so hot that she would put butter on her fingers, so it wouldn't burn them. Good luck to those of you who might try this recipe.
Jennifer Crites: This is the toffee that I make for family gatherings and for Debbie at Christmas! I sent her a Christmas tin of toffee many years ago and she has faithfully sent back the empty tin year after year for refills!
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13 years 22 weeks ago