Heather Johnson entered this cookie in the 2015 Farmer Family Reunion cookie contest. It's yummy!!
These cookies were entered into the 2015 Farmer Family Reunion Cookie Contest
Years ago, I used to make this casserole for my family because I could serve one of the two pans and freeze the other for another quick meal in the future. I recently made it again for the family, this time for 2 year old granddaughter Livy who loved it. It's nice to go back to old recipes and comfort foods every now and then!
This recipe comes from our friends, Joe and Diana Free who make a killer chocolate chip cookie!
This frosting was used on the Red Velvet cupcakes at Annie Crites' wedding reception.
These were sent by Alli for the 2013 Farmer Family Christmas Cookie Exchange.
This salad was served at the 2013 Family reunion.
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13 years 22 weeks ago