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Under 30 min.
Snicker Salad - Jennifer Crites
This is more of a dessert than a salad and a favorite of my son-in-law, Randy.


Under 15 min.
Lemon Vinaigrette - Debbie McFarland
This recipe is especially good with wild greens, heavy on Arugula. Flavor especially good with fresh shaved Parmesan.


Under 30 min.
Curried Squash Soup - Debbie McFarland
Jennifer and I went to a restaurant for lunch that served this soup.


Under 45 min.
Grilled Potato Salad - Debbie McFarland
This recipe was served at our family reunion held in Bear Lake. Jill Prince asked me to put it in our Family Cookbook.


Under 30 min.
Tomato Balsamic Pasta Salad - Debbie McFarland
My mouth drools for this when I am waiting for my tomatoes to ripen.


Under 30 min.
Wonton Salad - Debbie McFarland
Another family favorite that has been passed on from family to family!


Over 60 min
Creamy Tomato Basil Soup - Jennifer Crites
Another recipe from Dan's niece Stephanie Sundseth, who served this at her restaurant.


Under 30 min.
Lettuce Egg Salad - Dorothy Farmer
A family favorite, especially Allison Farmer and her grandpa Farmer. He loved it!! Also requested and loved by Katie Crites and Jenny Johnson.


Under 60 min
Tortilla Soup - Paty McFarland
This is to die for and absolutely everyone in my family loves it!!!