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Under 30 min.
Triple Chocolate Pudding Cookies - Alli Johnson Leah
These were sent by Alli for the 2013 Farmer Family Christmas Cookie Exchange.


Over 60 min
Twice-Baked Potatoes - Amber Silberberger
My mom Pam made these for us all the time because they were my dad's favorite! After all, we are from Idaho so potatoes were a must with every dinner!


Over 60 min
Waikiki Meatballs - Janette Johnson
Dorothy Farmer: We made this recipe often when we (Walter, Janette and baby Tyler, and Jack and Dorothy) lived in the motor home together. Pleasant memories!!


Over 60 min
Walnut Sticky Buns - Dorothy Farmer
These were Jack's favorite rolls. They are very rich and gooey, but so tasty.


Under 30 min.
Warm Chocolate Pudding Cakes - Debbie McFarland
Janette Johnson: Are all ten of those for you, or will you share?