There is controversy as to where this recipe comes from...Jennifer Crites swears it comes from Jolene Farmer. Jolene says it comes from Jennifer. Jolene makes it better so that solves the issue!!
Ingredients for 2 servings
- 4.5 cups of sugar
- 1.5 cups melted butter
- 3 cups pumpkin
- 1 cup water
- 6 eggs
- 1.5 tsp vanilla extract
- 5 cups flour
- 3 tsp baking soda
- 2 tsp salt
- 1.5 tsp cinnamon
- 1.5 tsp nutmeg
- Chocolate chips
- Mix together all ingredients adding chocolate chips last. Bake 2 hours at 325F for large loaves and for medium loaf pans bake for 15 minutes less or until no beads of moisture show on the top of the loaves.
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13 years 20 weeks ago