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Over 60 min
Green Chili Meat - Janette Johnson
This was served at a Farmer reunion some years ago in Blackfoot, Idaho.


Over 60 min
Creamy Garlic Mashed Potatoes - Allison Farmer
For garlic lovers, not for the garlic light hearted!


Over 60 min
Guacamole - Debbie McFarland
Jennifer Crites: This has been affectionately known as "Chopped Frogs". We love it!


Over 60 min
Yogurt Sauce - Debbie McFarland
Great in Gyro sandwiches or as a spread on any sandwich


Over 60 min
Chuck's Spaghetti Sauce - Jennifer Crites
Ask any child in the Crites' family the origin of this recipe. It has become a family joke because they have heard it a million times! Chuck was Dan's roommate in college.


Over 60 min
Creamy Tomato Basil Soup - Jennifer Crites
Another recipe from Dan's niece Stephanie Sundseth, who served this at her restaurant.


Over 60 min
Basic Dough for Cinnamon Rolls - Debbie McFarland
We used to have a tradition of passing these out on Christmas Eve to our best friends. The kids would deliver them hot to our friends' doors.