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Under 30 min.
Applesauce Muffins - Janette Johnson
A favorite muffin recipe of the Walter Johnson family. Lots of flavor!


Under 30 min.
Classic Red Velvet Frosting - Jennifer Crites
This frosting was used on the Red Velvet cupcakes at Annie Crites' wedding reception.


Under 30 min.
Chocolate Chip Cookies - Jennifer Crites
This recipe comes from our friends, Joe and Diana Free who make a killer chocolate chip cookie!


Under 30 min.
Raspberry Dessert - Dorothy Farmer
This is Dawna Perryman Lott's recipe. Dawna served this dessert at a dinner Dorothy and Jack enjoyed with Thelma Perryman. It was so GOOD!


Under 30 min.
Frozen Dessert - Dorothy Farmer
A delicious favorite! I served this in Mesa (Jennifer and Dan's home) for the first time during a Thanksgiving Week visit with them.


Under 30 min.
Spaghetti Pie - Jennifer Crites
Years ago, I used to make this casserole for my family because I could serve one of the two pans and freeze the other for another quick meal in the future. I recently made it again for the family, this time for 2 year old granddaughter Livy who loved it. It's nice to go back to old recipes and comfort foods every now and then!


Under 15 min.
Crepes - Marilyn Farmer
Alyson Farmer: Marilyn found this recipe for the crepe booth that the family did for the 4th of July. I prefer it to the recipe that I brought home from my mission to France. I love that I can double and even triple the recipe. We have crepes every Thursday morning. The boys get them if they sing the hymns in church on Sunday. It seems to motivate them. All 5 boys like this recipe which makes it a winner! Jill Prince: After visiting Europe and tasting crepes, part of the John Farmer family decided to put a little booth together for the Centerville City's Fourth of July celebration. After haggling over names such as Holy Crepe, What the Crepe?, Full of Crepe, the family finally decided on the Crepe Shack (Marilyn wouldn't have it any other way). We learned a lot, enjoyed a few stressful moments, but all in all it turned out to be a success.