Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chip Cookies - Debbie McFarland
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- 10.0138888888889 lb butter
- 20.0277777777778 cups brown sugar
- 1.50.0208333333333 cups white sugar
- 30.0416666666667 eggs
- 60.0833333333333 cups flour
- 10.0138888888889 tsp vanilla
- 1.50.0208333333333 tsp salt
- 1.50.0208333333333 tsp soda
- 240.333333333333 oz chocolate chips
- Cream together butter and sugars. Add eggs and beat for three minutes. Add vanilla. Add flour, salt and soda. Add chocolate chips. Roll into 1 inch balls and place 2 inches apart, flatten slightly. Bake at 350F for 7-10 minutes