Cherry Cordial Ice Cream - Jennifer Crites
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- 1.50.0625 cups sugar
- 10.0416666666667 tbsp flour
- .250.0104166666667 tsp salt
- 20.0833333333333 eggs
- 10.0416666666667 cup milk
- .250.0104166666667 cup cherry gelatin dry (not sugar free)
- 10.0416666666667 tbsp vanilla
- 20.0833333333333 cups whipping cream
- 100.416666666667 oz bottle maraschino cherries with juice, cherries chopped fine
- 20.0833333333333 cups milk
- 80.333333333333 oz Hershey chocolate bar with almonds, chopped fine
- In a medium sauce pan mix sugar, salt, and flour. Whisk in 1 cup milk and eggs. Add cherry jello. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Strain liquid to remove all lumps. Add vanilla, whipping cream, 2 cups of milk, cherries and chocolate. Stir well. Pour into 4 quart ice cream cylinder. Put on lid and refrigerate overnight. Freeze according to your ice cream machine.