White Mountain Icing - Dorothy Farmer
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- .50.0333333333333 cup sugar
- .250.0166666666667 cup white corn syrup
- 20.133333333333 tbsp water
- .250.0166666666667 cup egg whites (2 small)
- 10.0666666666667 tsp vanilla
- Stir sugar, corn syrup and water together in a small saucepan. Boil rapidly until the mixture will spin a 6-8 inch thread when a small bit is dropped from a spoon.
- While mixture is boiling, beat the egg whites at high speed with an electric beater until the egg whites stand in very stiff peaks. Blend in 1 tsp vanilla.
- Immediately when the sugar mixture will spin a thread, pour the hot syrup slowly in a thin steady stream into the beaten egg whites, beating constantly until the mixture stands in very stiff peaks and consistency to ice a cake. Blend in 1 tsp vanilla
- To make the maraschino cherry variation, use the juice from the maraschino cherries in place of the water. This is good when used as the icing of a maraschino cherry pecan nut angel food cake.