Christmas Fruit Cake - Dorothy Farmer
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- 1.750.0729166666667 lbs candied fruit
- 20.0833333333333 cups coarsely chopped walnuts
- .50.0208333333333 lb chopped dates
- 1.50.0625 cups raisens
- .250.0104166666667 lb coconut
- .50.0208333333333 lb margarine
- .50.0208333333333 cup sugar
- .50.0208333333333 cup honey
- 50.208333333333 eggs
- 20.0833333333333 cups flour
- 10.0416666666667 tsp cinnamon
- 10.0416666666667 tsp baking powder
- 60.25 tbsp orange juice
- Make cake batter by creaming together margarine, sugar, honey. Add beaten eggs. Sift together the flour, cinnamon, baking power and add alternately with the orange juice. In a large container put the candied fruit, walnuts, dates, raisins, and coconut. Pour batter over the fruit and mix together. Makes two loaf pans, or can be baked in a well-greased bundt cake pan or an angel food cake pan. Bake at 250F 3-1/2 to 4 hours. Put a small pan of water in the bottom of the oven for a glazed and moist texture. Can decorate the top of the cake with red maraschino cherries and green fruit from the fruit mix.